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Recipes — craftbeerontario
This Beer Tastes Like Ontario
RELEASE THE HARVEST Muskoka Brewery brings back 100% Ontario Harvest Ale ONTARIO, August 22, 2018 - Are you a crokinole playing, lake-dipping, snow shoeing, craft-sipping canuck? Then you might just love our All-Ontario brew just as much as an otter loves a river rock. Since 2009, Harvest Ale has been a fall favourite. For a second year in a row, we're making it with natural ingredients from our Ontario partners. Harvest Ale is cropping up at LCBO, Beer Store, and grocery before Labour Day. Headed for NFLD, AB, SK, and NB soon after. We've teamed up with Tavistock Hop Co.,...
Decking the halls with our Winter Survival Pack!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! We went through the Pinterest boards, called our moms, and had a serious brainstorming session on decking the halls. Remember that scene in Apollo 13 when NASA only has a few tools to save the astronauts? We’re pretty much NASA. We picked up our Winter Survival Pack and some basic craft materials to create some awesome holiday decor. To make this craft session even better, our Survival Pack is $1.00 off at the Beer Store, LCBO, and grocery stores until January 8th, so let’s get crafting! First thing: crack open a fresh...
Good Things Grow in Ontario
The jingle that unites our province - good things most definitely grow in Ontario, and it’s not just crops. With 233 operating breweries in the province, local farms, businesses, and organizations are supporting each other in the delicious and refreshing craft beer industry. Ontario has been supporting Muskoka Brewery for 21 years, and we know it’s important to play our part as well. Just as we’re giving back to our employees through Living Wage, we also support local businesses outside of our Brewery doors. Whether it’s the ingredients in our beer, like our all-Ontario Harvest Ale, or Muskoka Roastery’s Lumberjack...
Hanging Up the Suit for A Plaid Shirt: Working at Muskoka Brewery
Hanging Up the Suit for A Plaid Shirt: Working at Muskoka Brewery Walking into work at Muskoka Brewery is a little different than your average office. With your coffee in one hand and a plaid backpack in the other, you'll pet four dogs, say thirty hellos, and stop by the brewer's office for a quick joke, all before getting to your desk. When you work at Muskoka, you hang up the three-piece suit for a red and black plaid. We may do things a little differently, but it makes all the difference: back in 2016, we were named one of...
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